Hypnotherapy & NLP

What is hynotherapy & NLP?

Hypnotic techniques including the use of ‘suggestions’ and ‘guided imagery’ are used to help people with reprogramming their mind; changing their habits, beliefs, behavioural patterns, and achieving their goals at a subconscious level. As all hypnosis is self-hypnosis, the hypnotherapist can be more likened to a guide who facilitates the hypnotic process much like a guided meditation that assists a person in reaching a deep state of relaxation or altered state of consciousness. 

NLP (Neuro-linguistics Programming) techniques will also be included in your hypnotherapy sessions. Neuro-linguistics Programming, founded by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the early 1970s and is best described as a form of applied positive psychology. It is a way of people achieving their goals, and gaining a more fulfilling personal and professional life. Hypnotherapy and NLP are two separate disciplines, however, share many similarities with regards to their modalities, techniques, and ways of communicating.

One-to-one hypnotherapy sessions (face to face or online) - £60 per individual hour session or £220 for a block of x4 sessions (£20 savings).

How many sessions you need will depend upon the issue you want to work on together. This will be discussed and agreed on before proceeding with the treatment program. Your progress will be monitored session by session, assessing what is working for you, and any alterations that need to take place to move you in the right direction for YOU (and this differs from person to person). What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another, which is why I will work with you on your individual needs and goals to help you with YOUR personal growth.

Although hypnotherapy can assist some people with rapid change some of the time, deeper issues will take longer, and will require your patience, trust, and openness to learn, grow, and change. Your progression will also include how much work YOU do outside of the therapy room to make the changes in your life YOU want to see. No matter what you may have been lead to believe, there is no magic wand to make your problems disappear; although I am here to help and guide you, it’s important to remember that YOUR health and YOUR life are YOUR responsibility. When you take responsibility for yourself and accountability for your actions from this moment onwards, change can happen much faster if you allow it to. It’s time to take your personal power back, reach within, grow, and blossom into your beautiful and authentic self.

Here are some things hypnotherapy can help with:

  • Stress Reduction

  • Anxiety and panic

  • Depression

  • Healthy eating and nutrition

  • Non-smoking

  • Pain management - Please note, whether the pain is acute or chronic, you will need to have been through the appropriate diagnostic procedures with a medical professional and have permission from your GP or consultant to proceed with hypnotherapy.

  • Sleep

    If hypnotherapy sounds like something you would be interested in giving a go, then contact me to find out more:
    You will be sent a consultation form to fill in, which will help me to understand if hypnotherapy is suitable for you. If it is, then we can organise an initial consultation together. If not, then we can chat about giving another treatment a go. If I am unable to help you; whether that be due to my particular skill set or competency, then I will help direct you to someone who can!


Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)